Our Differenciators

Culinary Excellence
Patient Diet
Nowadays The Dietary Service is one of the important supporting services of the hospital like any other supporting services. We provide High standards of nutritional care. We have our own explicit, written nutritional standards and guidelines based on official national standards
Patient diet will be closely monitored by our experienced supervisors & dietitians. There will be daily visit in the room by our experienced staff to deliver proper Diet .
Menus & Packages
Our Menus designed to meet the needs of particular patient groups, e.g. The elderly, children and ethnic minorities. Adequate choice are available to meet these needs. A range of meals specially fortified in energy and protein are available in our menu, and snacks and nourishing drinks also we kept on the floors and also routinely offered between meals. The timing of meals are reviewed and made more relevant to patients' customary meal patterns.
Our strength is the team of highly qualified, well experienced staff. We are also utterly customer focused, passionately professional, measuring success first by what our clients and customers think of us.
Our Team Strength
- Professional
Image - Personal
Hygiene - Positive
Attitude - Passion
for Business - Honesty
& Integrity - Team